홈페이지> 블로그> List of Top 10 Alto Saxophone Brands Popular in European and American Countries

List of Top 10 Alto Saxophone Brands Popular in European and American Countries

March 03, 2024
The alto saxophone, with its rich and soulful tone, has become an icon in jazz and popular music. Its versatility allows it to effortlessly blend in any ensemble, from big bands to small jazz combos. Its expressive capabilities and wide range make it a favorite among musicians and listeners alike. Whether it's soaring through melodic lines or adding a touch of warmth to a ballad, the alto saxophone continues to captivate audiences with its timeless sound.


Establishment time : Yamaha was established on October 12, 1887.

website : www.yamaha.com

Main Product : Yamaha's main products include motorcycles, marine products, power products, industrial machinery, and musical instruments.

Company Profile

Yamaha is a multinational corporation headquartered in Japan, known for its innovation and high-quality products across multiple industries.


Establishment time : Selmer's company was established in 1885.

website : www.selmer.com

Main Product : The main products of Selmer's company include musical instruments such as saxophones, clarinets, trumpets, and flutes.

Company Profile

Selmer's company is a renowned manufacturer of high-quality musical instruments with a rich history.


Establishment time : Yanagisawa's company was established in 1893.

website : www.yanagisawasax.co.jp

Main Product : Their main products include saxophones and saxophone accessories.

Company Profile

Yanagisawa is a renowned company known for its high-quality saxophones and has a long history in the industry.


Establishment time : Keilwerth was established in 1925.

website : www.julius-keilwerth.com

Main Product : Keilwerth specializes in manufacturing saxophones.

Company Profile

Keilwerth is a renowned company known for producing high-quality saxophones.

ZhengOu Musical Instruments Co.,LTD

Establishment time : 2019

website : www.zomusical.com

Main Product : Brass instruments,Woodwind instruments,Professional Trumpet,Professional Trombone,Professional Tuba,Soprano Saxophone

Company Profile

ZO Brass & Woodwind Established in China 2015, the ZO brand is an exciting new range of brass & woodwind instruments being manufactured by the Zhengou Industrial Company Limited. The ZO brand has been developed in response to a growing demand for high quality affordable brass instruments and are being produced at the Zhengou Industrial Company`s new factory in Hebei Province. The new state of the art factory has over 180 workers including 30 professional trained instrument technicians who endeavour to produce instruments of the highest quality and consistency. Here at the ZO brand we continually looking to the future, innovating, leading and we invite you to join us.

Buffet Crampon

Establishment time : Buffet Crampon was established in 1825.

website : www.buffet-crampon.com

Main Product : The main products of Buffet Crampon include clarinets, saxophones, oboes, bassoons, and flutes.

Company Profile

Buffet Crampon is a renowned manufacturer of woodwind instruments, known for their high-quality craftsmanship and innovative designs.

P. Mauriat

Establishment time : P. Mauriat was established in 1999.

website : www.pmauriatmusic.com

Main Product : P. Mauriat specializes in manufacturing professional saxophones.

Company Profile

P. Mauriat is a renowned brand known for its high-quality saxophones.


Establishment time : Jupiter's company was established on January 1, 2005.

website : www.jupitercompany.com

Main Product : Jupiter's company specializes in manufacturing and selling electronic gadgets, including smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches.

Company Profile

Jupiter's company is a well-established player in the electronics industry, known for its innovative and high-quality products. With a global reach, the company aims to provide cutting-edge technology to consumers worldwide.


Establishment time : Eastman's company was established on September 1, 1920.

website : www.eastman.com

Main Product : Their main products include chemicals, fibers, and plastics.

Company Profile

Eastman is a leading global specialty materials company that produces a wide range of products for various industries.


Establishment time : Cannonball's company was established on January 1, 2010.

website : www.cannonball.com

Main Product : The main products offered by Cannonball include high-quality speakers and audio equipment.

Company Profile

Cannonball is a leading provider of innovative and cutting-edge audio solutions, catering to the needs of audiophiles worldwide.


Establishment time : Martin's Not available.

website :

Main Product : Not available.

Company Profile

Not available.
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ZhengOu Musical Instruments Co.,LTD Zo Brass & Woodwind는 중국 2015 년에 설립 된 Zo Brand는 Zhengou Industrial Company Limited에서 제조하는 흥미 진진한 새로운 브라스 및 우드 윈드 악기입니다. ZO 브랜드는 고품질 저렴한 황동 기기에 대한 수요 증가에 따라 개발되었으며 Hebei Province에있는 Zhengou...


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